

Entry Date January 31, 2019
Name Sabrina Chandra
Email Email hidden; Javascript is required.
Phone (708) 557-8354

Dear Ms. Cole,
Hello, my name is Sabrina Chandra and I am a sophomore at Harpeth Hall School in Nashville Tennessee. I am writing to you because one of my good friends named Victoria, recently became a survivor of Leukemia. Victoria was diagnosed with the illness for the first time about 4 years ago. She fought hard to survive and not allow her cancer to overcome her spirit. Thus, a year later Victoria was cancer free. Until one day, she was going into the doctor for her normal checkup and was told that her cancer was back. When I heard this news I couldn't even imagine the heart break she felt, knowing she survived the worst but had to go through everything all over again. Victoria appearing as a petite young Asian girl, yet having a loud and fun personality larger than life, took this news with grace and dignity. Thus, for hopefully one last time, Victoria went through multiple surgeries, one being a bone marrow transplant, to become cancer free for the second time. Thankfully Victoria is healthy now and is currently completing her sophomore year of high school at Martin Luther King Junior Magnet High School in Nashville.
Since Leukemia has had a terrible impact on both my life and my friend’s life, we have created a team called Team Victorious, in honor of Victoria as a part of the Students of the Year program that raises money for The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS). LLS is the world’s largest health agency dedicated to blood cancer research and makes incredible advancements in the medical field that help find cures for blood cancers as well as support families whose lives have been effected by these diseases. For example, LLS developed an immunotherapy that uses the HIV virus to reprogram cells in the immune system to target only cancer cells. Without LLS, many discoveries like this would not have been made. Thus, myself as well as Team Victorious, as a part of the Students of the Year program, are trying to raise at least $20,000 for The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society by March 1. We are competing against 4 other teams to raise the most money for LLS. The program we are a part of is very special because all teams involved in the competition to raise money are created of high school students, and the teams are led by or are honoring a young cancer patient.
Therefore, in honor of Victoria, I have written to ask you if you would be willing to spread the word in any way possible and donate to support our cause. I was also wondering if you would be willing to donate anything from your business to put in our auction baskets for the Grand Finale. On March 1st the Students of the Year program has a celebration for the work we have done and announces the amounts of money raised. Therefore, we are required to create baskets to auction off with a minimum of $100 in value. I do know this is a lot to ask for, but I have felt the pain of not knowing if my 15-year-old friend would live to see tomorrow, and have seen the suffering brought on families with cancer patients. But I have also seen the hope that new advancements bring these families and the spark of joy every little positive thing that comes there way provides. So in honor of Victoria and her battle, please spread the word and donate to help end cancer!

The link to donate is:
Team Victorious also excepts cash and checks if they are preferred, made payable to LLS: If desired please email me, and I will provide an address to send cash and checks to.
The link for more information about The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society is:

Every single cent donated goes to The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Anything you can do will help.

Every donation is tax deductible as well. Please contact me if you would like a donation receipt.

For more information please contact me at
My email:
My cell: 708-557-8354
With Love,
Sabrina Chandra and Team Victorious